Thursday, February 19, 2015

Writing how I've missed thee.

I have been writing off and on since 2003 and I have to say a lot of what I write is merely for me b/c I enjoy it so much. Recently I was told I should write a novel... a suggestion I laughed at.

First off I write like I talk.
Second I don't have time for that.
Third no one would want to read my book.
Fourth I do this to relax it is a stress coping skill that I have picked up and used off and on over the years.

However, now that I am out of graduate school and work a normal job (sort of) I find I have a lot of extra time I didn't have before. So I started wondering is this something I could do? Could I write a book and actually finish it this time instead of getting stuck in the middle like normal? I mean I do well with research and enjoy coming up with notebooks full of ideas... but could I actually write a novel and gather the courage to submit it?

Talk about a challenge...
that I decided to tackle the challenge and with that in mind I bought a writing book. As I said above I love to research. I figured the first way to see if I could do this would be to learn as much about writing as I can. This is where this book comes in...

And then came the notebook to start the suggest K.M. Weiland has. So wish me luck I am off to discovers the joys or not joys of outlining my novel :)

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